Elke Barter Design

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Traveling Light

I wish I were the type of person that could carry a big purse. And that bag, in a perfect world, would be full of things that I may or may not use on any given day. I have a girlfriend that can pull a lint roller out of their purse on command. I can't even commit to tissues, and I have young children who sneeze a lot. 

But to me, there is something so freeing about traveling lighter. My guy friends carry a wallet and a set of keys, but even their keys seem more compact than mine. Don't even get me started on how much I wish I could wear cargo pants and just load them up with snacks and water bottles. My legs would look like sad lumpy messes. But my husband can throw on a pair of cargo shorts, and still look totally normal. But, I digress...

I have a client who started a business, and she based it on having a really big purse. And the concept behind it was in reference to the fact that she always has a girl-scout level of preparedness for all situations. And she passed that onto her clients. I feel like I'm absolutely the opposite, but that can be my superpower, too.

I like to leave the house with as little as possible. I hate carrying it. I hate stowing it awkwardly. And I hate the expectant glances a large purse brings. "No, I did not bring your coloring book in here." And I hate fishing around in my bag for things. I need a wallet, my keys, and a phone. And if I'm feeling fancy, a lip gloss. That's it. The rest can live in my car or can be acquired. 

The reason why I like traveling so light is that it opens me up to new experiences I may not have had otherwise. Water fountains are everywhere. Tissue boxes are in most bathrooms (I really need to start packing tissues). And besides, I love finding excuses to pop into a store or a library. 

I feel the same way about work. I like to come into things with a totally open mind. And when I work, I try to do it in places that give me everything I need: smells, sounds, decor, and a little people watching. And those places don't remind me of the laundry sitting unfolded at home, or the dishwasher that needs to be emptied. I'll deal with that when I feel like a very different kind of immersive experience.